- Have they al ready go? 他们都已经走了吗?
- Have you al ready spend your money? 你把钱都花了吗?
- Have they pay you five shilling? 他们付给你五先令了吗?
- So they alleged, but have they any proof? 他们是这样宣称的,但他们有证据吗?
- Have they broken ground for the new railroad? 他们有没有开工建造那条铁路?
- The greens have not get a villa, have they? 格林一家没有乡间别墅,对吗?
- Have they been paid the money due to them? 他们是否已得到了应得的钱?
- Have they finished loading up yet? 他们把货物装完了吗?
- But who attacks whom?Why they al have selective BIAS,neglecting truth? 谁在攻击谁?为什么他们都在选择性的忽视事实?
- Have they found the wreck of the ship? 他们找到那艘船的残骸了吗?
- Have they put in a bid for the contract? 他们有没有投标争取承包合同?
- It w as al ready rather late , so I decided togo home. 21因为天色已很晚了,所以我决定回家。
- Why have they delayed opening the school? 他们为什麽延期开学?
- How many cameras have they produce in this factory? 他们这个工厂生产了多少照相机?
- How many trees have they planted when you see them? 你看到他们时他们种了多少树?
- By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole, chasse were steps codified by then). 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。
- Never before have they been so inspired and so daring as at present. 从来没有看见他们像现在这样精神振奋,意气风发。
- Have they ticketed the merchandise? 他们给商品加标签了吗?
- By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715,ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat,coupe,cabriole,chasse were steps codified by then). 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。
- By the time of Louis XIV's death in 1715, ballet had al ready got the basis of its technique and its terminology (entrechat, coupe, cabriole , chasse were steps codified by then). 到1715年路易十四去世时,芭蕾已经有了它的技巧基础和术语(跳跃交叉舞姿、向对舞者施礼、分腿跳跃然后两脚很快并拢、快滑步这些步伐就是那时编制的)。